Structure Family Caregiving (SFC) is a wonderful service that is currently being utilized in Georgia. Essentially, an individual or a couple folks with developmental disabilities live in your home and you are compensated for providing care for them. They can still access all the other services on the waiver, but instead of being in a residential setting where a company provides 24/7 staffing to them, the family member and the family would be the staff and they get compensated for it. It’s truly a home for the individual. The individual is organically worked into the family unit and becomes a part of the family. They go to ball games. They go grocery shopping. They have Thanksgiving together. Structured family caregiving, I believe is truly a solution to the staffing crisis that a lot of our agencies are facing.

  • You don’t have to worry about staff turnover in a structured family caregiving setting.
  • You don’t have to worry about quality of care. It’s a much higher quality of care typically in a family setting because they’re a member of the family.
  • You don’t have to worry if somebody’s gonna be there when they’re dropped off from the day program.
  • You don’t have to worry if a person is not gonna pick them up from the sheltered workshop for instance.

It is a more secure, safer alternative, I believe, uh, to residential habilitation services in Georgia.

Get Paid to Take Care of Your Loved Ones

Structured family caregiving isn’t just for folks who have profound disabilities. It can be for anybody that’s on the waiver.

They may not even require 24/7 care in order for this service to be appropriate. We do focus, though, on making sure that the family’s that we set up our individuals with are well-qualified, have criminal background checks, and all of their houses are inspected for safety. And, we interview and vet thoroughly before placing any individual with a family

Family members can provide structured family caregiving services to their loved ones. However, if the individual is a minor, the parent, stepparent, or legal guardian can’t provide that service.
To qualify:

  • You must live with the family member you’re caring for and be willing to provide the 24/7 care that’s needed; AND
  • Be related biologically, such as a daughter, grandchild, cousin, uncle, etc. OR be related through marriage as a daughter-in-law, son-in-law, etc. (Please note that spouses of waiver participants or legal guardians are not eligible for compensation.)
  • Currently on the CCSP or SOURCE Program; OR
  • ​The individual is eligible for Georgia Medicaid — Our team can assist with the application, but they must meet eligibility for the CCSP or SOURCE Program under the Elderly Disabled Waiver Program